
TAN Zongbo
Tel: 86-10-62782768
Fax: 86-10-62770314
E-mail: [email protected]


Comparative  Research on Urban Planning System in Different Countries

Theory and  Methods of Urban Land Use Planning

Urban Spatial and  Environmental Design



Doctor of  Philosophy in Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Osaka City  University, 1990

Bachelor in  Architecture, Department of Architecture, Tsinghua University, 1983


Professor  (01/2006- present), School of Architecture, Tsinghua University,  Beijing, China

Associate  Professor (04/1996-12/2005), School of Architecture, Tsinghua  University, Beijing, China

Visiting Scholar  (09/2001 – 07/2002), Harvard University, USA

Visiting Scholar  (02/2001 – 03/2001), Osaka City University, Japan

Assistant manager  (03/1994 – 03/1996), Forest Overseas Co., Ltd. (Mori Building Group),  Japan

Research Fellow  (03/1990 – 03/1994), United Nations Center for Regional Development



1.     Research on Development  Plan of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone (2006-2007)

2.     Research on Urban Land Use  Strategic in Beijing Metropolitan (2005-2007)

3.     Research on Zoning System  in USA (2003-)

4.     A China – Japan  Comparative Research on Large Scale Residential Districts Development  (2007 - 2010)

5.     A China – Japan  Comparative Research on Conservation of Traditional Urban Area (2004 -  2007)

6.     A Comparative Research on  Urban Planning Management with Countries and Districts Abroad (1999 -  2001)




Introduction to  Urban Planning and Design (115 students in Spring )

Urban Design (10  Students in Autumn)


Urban Land Use  Planning and Control (15 Students in Autumn )

Urban Design for  Master of Engineering (15 Students in Spring)

International Course

Introduction to  Contemporary Urban Planning & Design(9 Students in Autumn)



1.     Prize of Best Research  Paper by National Committee of Urban Planning Education in Universities  and Colleges, 2007

2.     Secondary Prize of Best  Research Paper by Academy of Higher Education in Tsinghua University,  2005

3.     Secondary Prize of Best  Selected Textbook in Tsinghua University, 2008

4.     First Prize of Anniversary  excellent faculty in 1998

5.     Best Teaching Group Award  for “Residential Building’s Planning and Design”,1997

6.     2005 UNESCO Asia-Pacific  Heritage Awards for Culture Heritage Conservation, Jury Commendation for  Innovation




International  Workshop on Sustainable City Region, Bali, 2009

Urban China  International Forum, Beijing, 2009

International  Forum on Urban Development and Planning, Harbin, 2009

Social  organization

Commissioner of  Urban Planning Society of China, and Cochairman of Foreign Urban  Planning Commission

Commissioner of  Beijing Urban Planning Association, and Cochairman of New Technology  Application Commission

Specialist of  Education Evaluation of Universities and Colleges in China

Member of  editorial board at the International Urban Planning and the Regional and  Urban Planning

Member of City  Planning Institute of Japan



Journal papers

1.   TAN, Zong Bo, A Personal  View on Fundamental Urban Planning Education in China, China City  Planning Review, 2009, No. 3, PP.34-41.

2.   TAN, ZongBo, A Strategic  Planning from Regional Aspect-Experience of the Research work on  Development Plan of Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone, Urban Planning  Forum, 2009, No.1, PP.16-22.

3.   TAN, ZongBo, From  Centralization to Decentralization-The Evolution of Power and  Responsibility in Japanese Urban Planning and Some Thoughts on It, Urban  Planning International, 2008, No.2, PP.26-31.

4.   TAN, ZongBo, Urban  Planning under the Circumstance of Property Low of 2007, Urban Planning  International, 2007, No.6, PP.127-133.

5.   TAN, ZongBo, Urban  Planning Knowledge Structure Reflected by Courses offered in  Universities, City Planning Review, 2005, No.6, PP.52-57.

6.   TAN, ZongBo, Zhu AiXia,  Conceptual Design of New Campus of Zhengzhou First High School, world  architecture review, 2004, No.10, PP.128-133.

7.   TAN, ZongBo, The Transfer  of Foreign Urban Planning Techniques and Our Choice, Urban Planning  Overseas, 2001, No.1, PP. 38-41.

8.   TAN, ZongBo, The  Formation, Problems and its Countermeasure of Tokyo Megalopolis: A  Lesson to Beijing, Urban Planning Overseas, 2000, No.2, PP. 8-11.

9.   TAN, ZongBo, An  Introduction of Japanese Urban Planning Legislation System, Urban  Planning Overseas, 2000, No.1, PP. 13-18.

10.  TAN, ZongBo, Dong, Ke, A  study on Macao’s Land Use and Planning System, City Planning Review,  1999, No.12, PP.30-35.

11.  TAN, ZongBo, An Overview  on Urban Planning Administration System of Japan, Urban Planning  Overseas, 1999, No.4, PP. 6-11.

12.  TAN, ZongBo, The Rising of  Urban Land Price and Urban Planning in Japan - A Useful Lesson to China  - Foreign City Planning, 1994, No.5, PP42-48.

13.  TAN, ZongBo, A Private  View of Technology Transfer in Urban Planning, C.P.I.J. City Planning  Review, 1990, No.163, PP.24-27.

14.  TAN, ZongBo, A Study on  Physical Planning Items at District Level in Japanese Urban Development  Projects-Cases in Osaka City and Sakai City, Journal of Architecture,  Planning and Environmental Engineering (Transactions of A.I.J.), 1989,  No.8, PP65-72.

Selected conference proceedings

1.   Qian, Xiao, Tan, ZongBo,  The Development and Changes of Residential Space in Beijing since 1949,  International Symposium on Spatial Expansion and Housing Sustainability  in Asian Mega-cities, Beijing, 2009.

2.   Tan, ZongBo, A  Consideration on Functions of Strategic Planning for Spatial Urban  Development, Proceedings of China Urban Planning Society Annual  Conference 2007.

3.   Tan, ZongBo, A  Consideration on Fundamental Courses of Urban Planning, Prize of Best  Research Paper by National Committee of Urban Planning Education in  Universities and Colleges, 2007.

4.   Tan, ZongBo, Searching the  New Path of Strategic Planning for Urban Development-Based on Some New  Practice, Symposium on Macao’s Modernization and Urban Planning, Macao,  2006.

5.   Tan, ZongBo, Liu, Rui,  Transition of Land Use in Old Beijing City 1949-2002, Proceedings of  International Symposium on Modernization and Urban Conservation in East  Asian Capital Cities, Tokyo, 2006.

6.   Tan, ZongBo, Transition of  Land Use in Old Beijing City Based on GIS Technology, Proceedings of  Workshop on informationization in Urban Planning Administration,  Shanghai, 2005, PP.72-94.

7.   Tan, ZongBo, An Argument  on Urban General Plan’s Function in China from a Perspective of the  Urban Planning Dual-structure in Western Countries, Proceedings of China  Urban Planning Society Annual Conference 2004.

8.   Tan, ZongBo, Liu, Rui, the  Changing Old Beijing City: A Brief Review on Its Conservation and  Development, Proceedings of the Eighth Inter-University Seminar on Asian  Megacities, 2003.

9.   Tan, ZongBo, Urban Growth  and Urban Planning of Mega-cities in China, 21st Century Asia: Economic  Restructuring and Challenges of Mega-cities, The 70th Anniversary of  Institute for Economic Research, Osaka City University, International  Symposium, September 26-27, 2000.

10.  Tan, ZongBo, Ma Yuan,  Cityscape in Beijing, The complex and Paradox of a Traditional Asian  Megacity, The Fifth Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities  Proceedings, 2000.

11.  Tan, ZongBo, the  Characteristics of Beijing’s Cityscape and Investigation Plan,  Proceedings of The Forth Inter-University Seminar on Asian Megacities,  1999.

12.  Tan, ZongBo, a study on  physical planning item during expansion of southern area of Osaka  City-focusing on role of district planning in controlling physical  setting, C.P.I.J. City Planning Review, special issue, 1989.

13.  Tan, ZongBo, a study on  physical design item in district planning and controlling in Japan-Cases  in Osaka City and Sakai City, C.P.I.J. City Planning Review, special  issue, 1988.


1.     Tan, ZongBo. Introduction  to Urban Planning and Design. Beijing: Tsinghua Univ. Pr., 2005

2.     Tan, ZongBo. Urban  Planning in Beijing, (Economy Research Institute of Osaka City  University, Asian Megacities [5]: Beijing & Shanghai. Tokyo: Nihonhyoron  Pr., 2002 )

3.     Gu,ChaoLin, Tan, ZongBo,  Han, ChuanYang, Climate Change and Low-Carbon City’s Planning. Najing:  Southeastern Univ. Pr., 2009

4.     Tan, ZongBo, Urban  Planning System in Japan, (Chen, XiaoLi, A Research on Urban Planning  Framework under the Socialistic Market Oriented Economy. Beijing: China  Construction Industry Pr., 2007)

5.     Tan, ZongBo, Liu, Rui,  Land Use Transition in Old Beijing city (1949 – 2004), (Research Group  of Beijing Courtyard, Courtyards of Beijing. Tokyo: Chuokoron Bijutsu  Pr., 2008 )

6.     Written by Haraguchi,  hideaki, Translated by Tan, ZongBo, Classical House Design in 20th  Century: A Comparative Analysis of Space. Beijing: China Construction  Industry Pr., 1997

7.     Tsinghua University School  of Architecture, Urban Planning Handbook 8: Conservation and Renew of  Historical Cities. Beijing: China Construction Industry Pr., 2008.

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